Who says a great Christmas gift can’t also be a tax write-off?
For years, Dad wanted an ultrasonic pregnancy tester for the pigs and sheep. Mom fought him on it. “We don’t need to check for pregnancy when we can just see if they come back into heat!”
Admittedly, that frugal perspective has kept this farm afloat since 1979.
But just this once, we wanted to give Dad a little indulgence. What better gift could there be for a Ph.D. in reproductive physiology? So we bought him the pregnancy tester for Christmas. And not the low-end variety, either. We got him the multi-species model!
Well. Ordinarily we just keep one sow and then maybe a gilt or two to breed each winter. The rest go on the truck for processing.
But with his new pregnancy tester, Dad suddenly got excited. He and I bred every pig that came into heat in January. We didn’t limit it to one prize gilt. Dad figured he could just check every one before we shipped them for processing with his new pregnancy checker.
And so we did. And so we did.
And every one that we bred is pregnant.
And for the first time in the history of Sap Bush Hollow, we are simultaneously under-stocked and over-stocked with pork. We have only two pigs on the farm eligible for our winter processing to replenish our pork stock.
And we have four pregnant pigs, promising us way more piglets than we could ever sell through our channels.
If you’re in the area and your’e hoping for feeder pigs this year, keep Sap Bush Hollow in mind!!!!!
Yikes! Good luck with all this abundance! I bet your dad had a blast using his new tester.