Okay, folks. The lambs are growing, the pigs are getting porky, the last chicken harvest is around the corner, and the turkeys are look great.
It’s time to sign up for your Thanksgiving turkeys and your fall and winter CSA shares.
Any day now, you should be receiving a bright orange envelope in the mail, outlining our prices and offerings for the season. This really is the best way to order our meats. You can see all the different CSA offerings laid out in front of you. You can compare prices per pound, evaluate volume and your freezer storage capacity, and map out your meat needs against a calendar so that you always have what you need, from a source that you trust.
I know it’s fun to shop online. But it’s also fun to grab a cuppa or a glass of something, close your lap top and push it aside, and spend a few minutes unplugged, dreaming about a juicy Thanksgiving turkey, a succulent pork roast, or a pot of stew bubbling on the stove to warm up a winter afternoon.
Plus, when you pay by check or cash and submit your order by October 31, you can take 5% off your bill.
So be watching your snail mail. And let yourself enjoy the old fashioned feeling of holding a pen in your hand, writing up your order, and mailing it back. Or bring it back and leave it in the cash box in the honor store, or drop it at the cafe on Saturday when we’re open. Whatever works.
But whatever you do, fill it out and get it back to us. You’ll buffer yourself from price spikes over the coming months, and enjoy a long winter’s rest knowing that you’ve stocked up on the most nutrient-dense, delicious, local food available.
If you don’t receive a flyer within the next two weeks, please email shannon@sapbush.com with your current address. I’ll update our mailing list accordingly and get a CSA packet in the mail for you.